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Thursday, November 11, 2010

Gelar Pahlawan untuk Soeharto dan Gus Dur Hanya Tertunda

Mantan Presiden Abdurrahman Wahid dan Soeharto

Jakarta - Wakil Ketua DPR Priyo Budi Santoso menilai penganugerahan gelar pahlawan nasional untuk mantan Presiden Soeharto dan mantan Presiden Abdurrahman Wahid hanya tertunda saja. "Pemerintah bukan menolak tapi menunda," ujarnya kepada wartawan di Jakarta, Kamis 11 November 2010. Penjelasan itu didapat Priyo dari Ketua Dewan Gelar Tanda Jasa dan Tanda Kehormatan, Djoko Suyanto.

Priyo sendiri mengaku lega dengan penjelasan itu. "Keduanya layak mendapatkan gelar tersebut," kata politisi Partai Golkar tersebut. Karena banyak kontroversi, Priyo menilai perlu keberanian pemerintah untuk bisa menetapkan gelar kepada kedua mantan presiden itu. "Pemerintah mungkin khawatir dengan pro dan kontranya."

Dewan Gelar, Tanda Jasa dan Tanda Kehormatan hari ini, Kamis 11 November 2010 memastikan mantan Presiden Soeharto (almarhum) dan mantan Presiden Abdurrahman Wahid alias Gus Dur (almarhum) tidak mendapat gelar Pahlawan Nasional. Pemerintah melalui Keputusan Presiden No 52 TK/2010 akhirnya memberikan gelar Pahlawan Nasional hanya kepada dua tokoh yaitu Dr Johannes Leimena dan Johannes Abraham Dimara. Sebelumnya, Kementerian Sosial mengajukan 10 nama tokoh yang telah diseleksi untuk memperoleh gelar Pahlawan Nasional kepada Dewan Gelar.

Priyo berharap soal gelar Pahlawan Nasional ini, masyarakat bisa mengesampingkan perasaan dendam yang tak berkesudahan. "Semuanya terserah Pemerintah," katanya.


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Degree Heroes to the Soeharto and Gus Dur Only Delayed

Jakarta - Vice Chairman of the House Priyo Budi Santoso assess the degree conferment of national hero for former President Soeharto and former President Abdurrahman Wahid, just delayed it. "The government is not refused, but put off," he told reporters in Jakarta, Thursday, November 11, 2010. The explanation was obtained from the Chairman of the Board of degree Priyo Services and Signs Signs of Honor, Djoko Suyanto.

Priyo own claim of relief with that explanation. "They deserve that title," said the Golkar Party politician. Because a lot of controversy, Priyo assess need courage government to be able to establish title to both the former president. "The government may be concerned with the pros and cons."
Board of degree, and Service Signs Signs of Honor today, Thursday, November 11, 2010 to ensure former President Suharto (deceased) and former President Abdurrahman Wahid alias Gus Dur (the deceased) did not get the title of National Hero. Government through Presidential Decree No. 52 TK/2010 finally give the title of National Hero is just the two figures and Dr Johannes Abraham Johannes Leimena Dimara. Previously, the Ministry of Social Affairs submitted 10 names figures who have been selected to obtain the title of National Hero to the Board of degree.
Priyo hope about the title of National Hero, the community can put aside feelings of revenge are endless. "It's up to the Government," he said.

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