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Thursday, November 11, 2010

Clinton Kritik Langkah Israel

WASHINGTON--Tidak mau kalah dengan apa yang diungkapkan Presiden AS Barack Obama ketika berkunjung ke Jakarta, Menteri Luar Negeri AS Hillary Clinton juga mengkritik mengenai pembangunan permukiman baru oleh Israel di Tepi Barat sebagai langkah kontra produktif.

Clinton di Washington, AS, Rabu (10/11) menyatakan, apa yang dilakukan Israel itu menjadi ganjalan negosiasi perundingan Israel-Palestina.

Tetapi mantan ibu negara itu tetap optimistis, upaya menunju perdamaian di kawasan Timur Tengah masih terbuka dan memang dibutuhkan.

Di sisi lain, Clinton mengungkapkan mengenai dana bantuan untuk otoritas Palestina. Jumlah dana yang disediakan AS mencapai US$150 Juta. (Reuters/OL-2)

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Clinton's Criticism of Israel Steps

WASHINGTON - Not to be outdone by what is disclosed U.S. President Barack Obama during his visit to Jakarta, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton also criticized the construction of new settlements by Israel in the West Bank as a step counter-productive.
Clinton in Washington, USA, Wednesday (10/11) states, what the Israelis had a wedge negotiating the Israeli-Palestinian negotiations.
But the former first lady was still optimistic, that leads effort for peace in the Middle East region is still open and certainly needed.
On the other hand, Clinton expressed regarding aid to the Palestinian Authority. The amount of funds provided by the United States reached U.S. $ 150 Million. (Reuters/OL-2)

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